Dinner With Friends

If you need a giggle or a smile, follow the links in this post! 🙂

Oldest Daughter & Red Headed Sister

Now, as you all know, I’m happy to help my family and friends in any way I can, and usually do. Since you know this of me, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that I agreed to go to dinner, a few dinners ago, with my dear friend Professor VJ Duke.

Duke rang me recently to help sort a crisis, one of which he was, completely responsible for creating. The situation had quickly become a problem or dadblamery, as he explained it. The crisis, a woman by the name of Amelia, needed to be dealt with swiftly. Well, just have a look for yourself:

(Stop byThe Punchy Lands!, have a look around, and leave the professor a note. You are a click away from an amazing video that explains what he and the MicP Studios Team have worked tirelessly to create. You won’t be disappointed. I love their…

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About Susan P

Reader, writer, mother, grandmother, wife, traveler...
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1 Response to Dinner With Friends

  1. Thanks, Susan! *smiles bigly*

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