Music Memories Monday – The Strawberry Blonde (The Band Played On)

Music has a power to evoke memories second only to aromas. My dad was a great fan of the Big Bands, and I grew up listening to Tommy Dorsey and many others due to his hobby. He played the trumpet, too, and I remember clearly when he picked it up and started blasting out a few measures of those old songs. This is one of the songs that I remember my mother singing just for fun while she worked around the house.

This particular waltz was number six on the charts in 1941, the year in which it was recorded, and was presented in the movie, “The Strawberry Blonde” starring Jimmy Cagney, and enjoyed a short revival in 1960 in a rock version done by Frank D’Rone .

As I was getting in gear this morning, it popped up in the playlist in my head and I can’t get it out. Maybe it will make your day, too. 

About Susan P

Reader, writer, mother, grandmother, wife, traveler...
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8 Responses to Music Memories Monday – The Strawberry Blonde (The Band Played On)

  1. The professor loves big band music! I actually play it, too. But I’m not too familiar with this song. I do like it, though!!!

  2. Susan P says:

    I loved playing the cello while I was in school. I started playing when I was in fifth grade. My parents had a cow when I brought home the school instrument. Good thing I didn’t go for the bass. I played in school orchestras right through tenth grade. Then we moved again to a school that only had a band. As did the next school. It being significantly difficult to march with a cello, and having no means to take lessons, I left off and joined the school choir.

    • Haha, bass would have been interesting. The professor new a bass guy (in a jazz band) who carried his bass all the way through downtown Pittsburgh to Duquesne University. I do believe he was tired at the end of the hike.

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